The Work of the Academy for Systems Change
Restoring a Fishery and a Community in La Paz, Mexico
The Journey of El Manglito and Noroeste Sustentable (NOS)
Stories on the Ground
A primary aim in The Academy Stories is to bring alive the deeply personal and emergent nature of systemic change.

Recent Academy Stories

One River, 31 States, USA

The Nature Conservancy’s efforts to bolster the health of the

31-State Mississippi River Basin.

Restoring a Scallop and Clam Fishery in La Paz, Mexico

The Journey of the Manglito fishing community and

nonprofit Noroeste Sustentable (NOS)

About The Academy Stories of Systems Change

by Nathan Senge

‘Systems change’ brings long-term improvements to a situation because core problems are being faced. This can yield short-term complications as one adjusts to a new way of being, but in the long run the situation improves. It is the opposite of a ‘symptomatic solution,’ which involves a knee-jerk, quick fix to an undesired situation. Such a response may make everything better for a moment, but over time the situation worsens as one’s ability to face the real problems at hand increasingly fails.

(M.I.T. Prof. Jay Forrester, Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems.)

Herein we illustrate systems change by way of stories. Systems change is not just about policies and metrics. It’s about beliefs and attitudes. The transformation of a system always involves relationships: relationships between people, relationships between people and non-human elements, and relationships within people themselves.

The work of the Academy for Systems Change is to foster and document this kind of change.